I am an … International Student Applicant

申请进入十大彩票平台技术社区学院攻读学位或证书课程并获得F-1签证的人. F-1签证学生在校期间不允许在校外工作, unless they qualify under special circumstances as defined by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

In addition to completing the international student application, you must submit all documents associated with the application. 招生代表帮助国际学生获得他们的I-20表格,这样他们就可以申请F-1学生签证. 学生必须提交在线入学申请以及所有补充材料,以便收到录取通知书和I-20表格。.

Application Deadlines


For new students applying for F-1 status for the first time

  • July 1 for fall (September) semester
  • November 1 for spring (January) semester

For F-1 transfer students from other colleges

  • August 1 for fall (September) semester
  • December 1 for spring (January) semester


Application Requirements


  1. Complete the Online Application.
  2. Submit notarized copies of the Living Expenses Form & Tuition and Fees Form.
  3. 提交一份经过公证的高中成绩单英文翻译件. 成绩单必须是原件,并且必须包括毕业日期. If applicable, please include official college transcripts. 大学成绩单必须公证,英文翻译,并在密封的信封中提交.
  4. If the primary language in your country is not English, please submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores. 十大彩票平台要求网考成绩不低于80分,纸考成绩不低于525分。.
  5. If you are currently in the U.S. and seek to change your current visa status to an F-1 visa status, 或者以F-1签证持有人的身份从另一所大学转学, you must submit a copy of your valid passport and current visa. Transfer students must also submit the Student Transfer Form.
  6. 学生必须提交文件,表明他们有足够的资金参加十大彩票平台一个学年(或两个学期),如下所述:
Expense Cost
Tuition & Fees $15,586 (12 credits per semester plus insurance as of 2/21/2024)
Living Expenses $10,000 per person on visa*
Books & Supplies $1,200
Total Expenses $26,786

*If you are requesting a visa for one or more dependents, an additional $10,000 per person is added to the total expense. 您必须提供可接受的文件来证明您有能力支付这些额外费用. You must also complete the Dependent Form for each respective dependent.


  • 官方签署的银行信件,注明可用资金总额(不超过3个月).
  • 显示可用资金总余额的正式银行对账单(不超过3个月).
  • 银行信函,表明保证人拥有流动资金(不超过3个月).

Transfer Credits

具有英语以外语言的高中成绩单的申请人必须提交其成绩单的认证翻译. 翻译后的文件必须清楚地表明该学生完成了相当于中学的教育, and when possible, a grade evaluation should be performed for each subject.

在美国以外上大学的申请人必须将他们的成绩单翻译成英文,并评估其等级等效性. The evaluation should include course titles, completed credit/semester hours, and letter grades earned for each course. Transfer credits cannot be awarded without an evaluation.

信用翻译和/或评估必须由认证的评估服务机构执行. 在美国,常用的教育评估和翻译认证服务包括:

Service Website Phone
North American Educational Group (NAEG) naeg.org 1-888-539-2804
Center for Educational Documentation (CED) cedevaluations.com 1-617-338-7171
World Education Services (WED) wes.org 1-212-966-6311
马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校翻译中心(仅限翻译服务) umasstranslation.com 1-413-545-2203

申请人负责与评估或翻译服务相关的任何费用. 强烈建议使用列出的四种服务之一来确保适当的文件评估和翻译.



如果您对国际申请流程有疑问, please contact the International Student Advisor, Michael Rossi, mrossi@whitedogskin.net, 413-755-4412.